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Who is conducting these surveys?

The SWMP Market Research and Engagement Study is a Capital Regional District (CRD) initiative being carried out by Victoria-based research firm R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd.

Why are you doing these surveys?

We are conducting this study to evaluate the effectiveness of the Capital Regional District's (CRD) waste reduction programs. This survey is crucial for understanding how public attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors towards waste management change over time, and ensure that their programs effectively support the community's needs and environmental goals.

Why should I participate in these surveys? What will the information be used for?

Your participation in this survey is vital because it gives you a direct voice in improving waste reduction efforts and environmental stewardship in our region. The feedback you provide helps us understand the community's perspective, enhances the effectiveness of CRD initiatives, and guides the development of new strategies to make waste management more efficient. The data that is collected will be crucial for informing and improving current programs and for planning future initiatives.

How will my information be kept private?

The survey is voluntary and strictly confidential. Any information collected will be protected per the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Data gathered is processed, stored, and used in a form that does not permit any individual household or its members to be identified. Names, addresses and phone numbers are deleted from the data file at the conclusion of the survey's data collection phase.

How can residents confirm that the surveys are legitimate?

Residents can confirm the survey is the legitimate SWMP Market Research and Engagement Study if they:

  • Received a letter signed by Liz Ferris, Manager of Policy and Planning, with a secure access code and URL directing them to complete a survey
  • Received a post-card or scanned a QR code on a survey poster displayed at the Hartland Depot and landfill

How are participants selected to participate?

Residents are selected randomly from demographics and residence location to collect information on their waste management practices from a statistically relevant sample from the study area.

Visitors at the Hartland Depot can be provided with a post card containing a QR code to access the survey. Visitors can also look for our survey posters and flyers displayed around the drop-off points.

Questions or concerns about this research for the CRD can be directed to Malatest's toll-free survey hotline at 1-877-276-8800.

What do I do if I lose my letter with my secure login code?

If you have misplaced your secure access code, please contact Malatest's toll-free survey hotline at 1-877-276-8800.

When are the surveys being conducted and how long will they take?

The surveys are being launched in July 2024 and will close by the end of August 2024. They should take between 10-15 minutes to complete.

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